Diet for diabetes: a list of foods for each day

Diabetes mellitus is a disease associated with absolute or relative insulin deficiency in the body and is characterized by disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and other metabolic disorders. In short, diabetes is not a disease in the fullest sense, but a wrong lifestyle and diet. Therefore, nutrition in diabetes mellitus plays an important role in the well-being of patients.

Foods to Include and Avoid in Type 2 Diabetes

Diet for diabetes should be correct and include foods with a low glycemic index (from 10 to 40):

foods with a low glycemic index
  • vegetables: tomatoes, eggplant, cabbage, cucumber, zucchini, green beans and other green vegetables;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms and various nuts;
  • fruits and berries: cherry, cranberry, lingonberry, plum, pear, apple, gooseberry, strawberry, strawberry and juice from it;
  • citrus fruits: lemon, orange, tangerine and grapefruit;
  • cereal and bran products: barley bread, rice bran, oatmeal, buckwheat, spaghetti and pasta made from durum flour;
  • meat diet: chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef;
  • low fat fish and fish products;
  • dark brown;
  • cold flaxseed oil;
  • mineral water.

Limitconsumption of foods with an average glycemic index (40 to 70)

  • dairy products: kefir, milk, yogurt;
  • fat-free or low-fat;
  • vegetables: beets (boiled and stewed), carrots, legumes;
  • whole wheat bread, rye bread, black bread, yeast bread;
  • fresh and canned pineapple;
  • apple and grape juice, without sugar;
  • oatmeal immediately;
  • marmalade;
  • raisins, watermelon, kiwi;
  • mayonnaise industry;
  • canned corn;
  • wheat flour pancakes;
  • brown rice

Eliminatefrom diet foods with high glycemic index (from 70 to 100)

  • watermelon;
  • cereals and whole wheat bread;
  • corn flakes;
  • Fried and baked potatoes;
  • caramel and honey, jam, candy, sugar;
  • white bread;
  • alcohol and sweet and non-carbonated beverages;
  • coffee, tea, replace it with chicory, green tea and tea from blueberry leaves;
  • sweet fruits: grapes, bananas;
  • semolina;
  • processed meat products: sausages, frankfurters, sausages, potatoes, smoked meats.
Eliminate foods with a high glycemic index from the diet

Along with the medicine prescribed by your doctor, you should use medicinal plants: chicory, blueberry leaf, dandelion root, cuff, bean flaps and a collection of antihypertensive ingredients.

In addition, diabetics are shown an active lifestyle, moving more, walking 2 km a day, walking up stairs, doing physical work, unless of course you have a heart attack or stroke. Adjust sleep patterns, sleep at least 7 hours a day, sleep no later than 1 am.

Basic Steps and Diet Rules for Type 2 Diabetes

It is no secret that obese people suffer from diabetes mellitus.

The first step of the diet-2 weeks, get rid of extra pounds. During this period, eat only foods with a low glycemic index.

With high blood sugar content, food is strictly recommended 3 times a day, without snacks, then insulin will have time to use. Instead of snacks, drink water or eat fruit.

Some parts must be small, as nutritionists say, some parts should be in the palm of your hand.

Step two diet- 15 days, consolidation of results. During this period, we ate foods with low and moderate glycemic indices. Limit sugar, honey, toast, potatoes, bananas, white rice and corn.

The third step of the dietis ​​your lifetime, stay fit and follow the rules. The menu must be low to medium glycemic.

From my own experience, I am a diabetic with 11 years of experience, I know that 70% of my well-being depends on what you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and 20% on activities during the day and only10% on medications. . .

Nutrition for diabetes mellitus on BREAKFAST meal list

You can prepare the following for breakfast:

  1. Oatmeal - on natural cereals and low-fat milk, with the addition of a small amount of wild berries, raisins, dried apricots.
  2. Muesli or bran - with low-fat milk or yogurt.
  3. Buckwheat porridge with milk or boiled: tongue, rabbit, meat; or meatballs, meat soufflé.
  4. Freshly made toast with slices of cheese made from whole wheat bread.
  5. Low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, with sour cream, yogurt or low-fat kefir.
  6. Cheesecake with sour cream.
  7. Chop the cabbage or potatoes with sour cream.
  8. Green tea based on natural herbs. Tea with milk.
  9. Fruits: pear, apple, orange, grapefruit.
  10. Boiled eggs with homemade mayonnaise.
  11. Squid omelet.
  12. Cabbage cabbage in the oven.
  13. Zucchini casserole.
  14. Meat pudding.

Diet for diabetes mellitus on the LUNCH meal list

A typical lunch consists of salads, first and second courses, desserts and drinks. The following dishes are offered for lunch:


Salads can be made based on lettuce, fresh cabbage, incl. and Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, fresh vegetables (radish, radish, cucumber, tomato), celery, broccoli, mushrooms, cheese and fruits.

First course:

  1. Sup:
    • Vegetarian Vegetarian;
    • pearl barley and buckwheat with mushrooms;
    • rice with eggs;
    • with cauliflower;
    • with peas, peas;
    • acar;
    • fish with celery;
    • vegetables with chicken;
  2. Lean borsch with sour cream.

Second course:

  1. Boiled meat or stewed from it with boiled cabbage.
  2. Beef stroganoff with mashed potatoes.
  3. Goulash with boiled potatoes.
  4. Boiled chicken with millet porridge.
  5. Mexican ribbon with feta cheese and mushrooms.
  6. Sandwiches to your liking, based on whole wheat bread.


  1. Lemon jelly without sugar.
  2. Carrot cake.
  3. Curd cake.
  4. Microwave stevia chocolate cake.
  5. Pumpkin cheesecake without sugar and semolina.
  6. Cake diet.
  7. Baked apples.


  1. Tomato juice.
  2. Kefir or kefir with cinnamon.
  3. Broth or rosehip tea.
  4. Milk thistle tea (for weight loss).
  5. Fruit compote with sweetener.

Diabetes mellitus foods for FOOD menu

Dinner items can be:

  1. Cabbage rolls filled with vegetables.
  2. Low fat boiled fish.
  3. Carrot meatballs and apples with kefir.
  4. Carrot puree with sour cream.
  5. Boiled cabbage.
  6. Vegetable Casserole.

1 hour before bed

  • a glass of kefir;

The list of dishes above is a suggestion, but you must expand your own menu and focus on your well-being.